Life is not always peaceful.
Sometimes it seems that the world has come crashing down on your head. What was no longer easy seems to have suddenly become ten times more difficult.
In addition to all the problems you already had, there were a few others.
Suddenly, it is a financial problem. Bills have started to arrive and you are short of money to pay.
It may be that your relationship of times has suddenly ended and in a very painful way.
Or it could be that you missed something else that was very important to you. As a loved one, a pet, a professional position.
Not everything is flowers. Life is made of ups and downs. Sometimes we have incredible and exciting victories.
Other times we suffer crushing defeats that put us down there.
So, in this article I want to offer some suggestions of what to do when everything goes wrong in your life.
These are suggestions for you to realize that no matter how difficult the situation is, all is not lost. The journey of life is long and there is still a long way to go.
1. Accept that Difficulties are Part of Life
We have a habit of creating plans and creating an ideal world in our heads. A world of how things should be.
Health, comfortable financial life, perfect family, successful career etc. Each creates their ideal world.
So when a problem arises that causes a deviation from the plan, it is cause for despair. But the truth is that life is not that perfect. Most of the time it is imperfect.
Rare are the times when everything seems to be right. If so, better to accept imperfections than to resist them. Knowing that this is part and dealing with the challenges that life presents lightly.
2. Relax
Get away from problems for a moment. Look for something that can make you relax and recover positive energy.
Go out for physical exercise, play sports, get in touch with nature, watch a comedy movie, rest.
So give a “restart” in the brain that is racing and then resume the situation with more conditions to deal with it.
3. Have Emotional Strength
When everything goes wrong, the desire is to stick your head under the pillow, and stay asleep for days.
Some people prefer to fill their faces with alcohol, drugs or food. Others are crying, complaining and do not come out of negativity.
Do not do it. Have emotional strength.
Know that the pain exists as soon as the event arises. The moment of separation is painful. The moment of job loss is painful.
But what happens next is your choice. You decide whether you want to continue suffering or not. You can be emotionally strong and decide that you don’t want to value sadness.
Decide that you want to value positivity to get out of it.
So read positive things like this text, practice positive affirmations , do physical exercises to release stress, set up your action plan to recover and take the necessary actions for that.
Do not let external events govern your internal condition. You have no control over external events, but you do have control over how you respond to them.
Avoid responding with complaints, anger and negativity. Negativity attracts more negativity. Prefer to calm down, learn your lesson and get over it.
4. Be Resilient
Don’t let the obstacles get you down. Get up and keep fighting. There is still a lot to do.
You may have lost this game, but the championship of life has not yet ended.
5. Don’t be a Victim
To act as a victim is to complain that you have been wronged, that things are wrong, that you are suffering and that everyone should feel sorry for you. It is not how it works. The world owes you nothing. Nor pity.
If you want something you have to get up and go get it. Fight for your survival. This is the law of nature. So stop complaining. Stop whining.
Accept the challenges that life has brought you and face them with courage and determination to overcome them. Take that responsibility for the results of your life. It is hard, but it is the reality.
6. Remember that you have Overcome Challenges in the Past
This is not the first time that you have experienced difficulties. It has happened before and you are over it. It got stronger. Use that strength to overcome this and become even stronger than before.
Remembering what we have overcome in the past gives us courage to overcome what is presented at the moment. You survived before and will survive now again. It is experience that you are gaining.
7. Learn to Look to the Side
Problems are part of everyone’s life. Each carries his cross. Certainly yours is not the biggest there is.
Just look to the side to see. There are people who can’t even read or write. There are people who have serious, extremely debilitating health problems.
If it is difficult to understand this, do the following. Go to a hospital and see how much people are suffering.
What they are going through. When you look to the side you see that your problems are nothing compared to other people’s.
Analyzing the situation from this perspective you will realize how fortunate you are for what you have in spite of the difficult time you are going through.
8. See the Challenge as an Opportunity for Growth
Pain is part of growth. It is not that the universe is against you. He is sending this challenge for you to develop. Nobody develops when they are in their comfort zone.
Development comes from challenges. Use the ones that life is presenting to you right now to grow and develop.
Get stronger for future challenges. As the saying goes, what doesn’t kill is fattening. Everything that happens, however difficult it may seem, will be to make you stronger and more prepared.
9. Face the Problems. One at a Time.
Thinking positively is an excellent start, but alone does not solve it. You need to take action to resolve the problems that have arisen.
Deal with one problem at a time. When the world collapses it seems like we don’t know where to start. But you have to find that new beginning and start there. Making adjustments along the way.
10. Remember that After the Storm Comes the Calm
I remember that when I was a child and it hurt me or something that I didn’t like happened, my mother said “It will pass”. Most likely you have heard it too. It is because it is true. It really will pass.
Everything in life is fleeting. Just as the storm is fleeting, so are its problems.
Understand this cyclical nature of life. It may be that things are not going so well now. But later on they will stay. Will pass.
Look at a few years ago. Are the problems you have now exactly the same as you had back then? Probably not. The problems are not permanent.
Just as you have had problems in the past that no longer exist, your current problems will also stop being a problem later on. Everything in life is fleeting.
Give time to time. Be patient. As the carriage rides, the watermelons will settle.
11. Know that Asking for Help is a Possibility
If you think you can’t solve the problem alone, remember that you can ask for help. A friend, a family member or even professional help from specialized professionals such as a coach, psychologist or psychiatrist depending on the case.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need to.
Life is not perfect. We spent more time facing some difficulty than in the calm. So don’t give up fighting when adversity presents itself.
Life is a struggle. With your rounds of victory and also your rounds of defeat.
In the meantime, improve your ability to deal with it. To overcome the challenges that arise.
Know that things will pass. The problems you are facing now are not forever.
If life is a journey and we must enjoy the journey, learn to use these difficult stages to take something positive. Personal learning, growth and evolution.
And if you want to deepen your learning on the topic take a look at the Self-Confidence Guide .